Supplied and fit roll out joinery production.
Overnight installations including ATM shrouds and counters meaning no store closures.
Licensed Corian and stone Installers & production.
Supplied and fit roll out joinery production.
Overnight installations including ATM shrouds and counters meaning no store closures.
Licensed Corian and stone Installers & production.
In the retail and restaurant business, every day an outlet remains closed during a fitout is another day's loss of profit for the client and the sums can be huge.
What we do at Cordery Build is this:-
We get our clients trading sooner than would normally be possible with conventional shopfitters.
At the same time, we deliver an absolute quality product, free from defects, even the need for snagging.
David Leslie, MD - Cordery Build
Unit 5 Riverwey Industrial Park
Newman Lane, Alton, Hants, GU34 2QL